Testnet is now LIVE at testnet.spacetimedb.com! NOTE: This is a testnet, and all data will be wiped periodically.

1.0 RC3


The SpacetimeDB WebSocket API

As an extension of the HTTP API, SpacetimeDB offers a WebSocket API. Clients can subscribe to a database via a WebSocket connection to receive streaming updates as the database changes, and send requests to invoke reducers. Messages received from the server over a WebSocket will follow the same total ordering of transactions as are committed to the database.

The SpacetimeDB SDKs comminicate with their corresponding database using the WebSocket API.


To initiate a WebSocket connection, send a GET request to the /database/subscribe/:name_or_address endpoint with headers appropriate to upgrade to a WebSocket connection as per RFC 6455.

To re-connect with an existing identity, include its token in a SpacetimeDB Authorization header. Otherwise, a new identity and token will be generated for the client.


Clients connecting via WebSocket can choose between two protocols, v1.bin.spacetimedb and v1.text.spacetimedb. Clients should include one of these protocols in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header of their request.

Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header value Selected protocol
v1.bin.spacetimedb Binary
v1.text.spacetimedb Text

Binary Protocol

The SpacetimeDB binary WebSocket protocol, v1.bin.spacetimedb, encodes messages using ProtoBuf 3, and reducer and row data using BSATN.

The binary protocol's messages are defined in client_api.proto.

Text Protocol

The SpacetimeDB text WebSocket protocol, v1.text.spacetimedb, encodes messages, reducer and row data as JSON. Reducer arguments and table rows are JSON-encoded according to the SATN JSON format.


Client to server

Message Description
FunctionCall Invoke a reducer.
Subscribe Register queries to receive streaming updates for a subset of the database.


Clients send a FunctionCall message to request that the database run a reducer. The message includes the reducer's name and a SATS ProductValue of arguments.

Binary: ProtoBuf definition
message FunctionCall {
    string reducer = 1;
    bytes argBytes = 2;
Field Value
reducer The name of the reducer to invoke.
argBytes The reducer arguments encoded as a BSATN ProductValue.
Text: JSON encoding
    "call": {
        "fn": string,
        "args": array,
Field Value
fn The name of the reducer to invoke.
args The reducer arguments encoded as a JSON array.


Clients send a Subscribe message to register SQL queries in order to receive streaming updates.

The client will only receive TransactionUpdates for rows to which it is subscribed, and for reducer runs which alter at least one subscribed row. As a special exception, the client is always notified when a reducer run it requests via a FunctionCall message fails.

SpacetimeDB responds to each Subscribe message with a SubscriptionUpdate message containing all matching rows at the time the subscription is applied.

Each Subscribe message establishes a new set of subscriptions, replacing all previous subscriptions. Clients which want to add a query to an existing subscription must send a Subscribe message containing all the previous queries in addition to the new query. In this case, the returned SubscriptionUpdate will contain all previously-subscribed rows in addition to the newly-subscribed rows.

Each query must be a SQL SELECT * FROM statement on a single table with an optional WHERE clause. See the SQL Reference for the subset of SQL supported by SpacetimeDB.

Binary: ProtoBuf definition
message Subscribe {
    repeated string query_strings = 1;
Field Value
query_strings A sequence of strings, each of which contains a single SQL query.
Text: JSON encoding
    "subscribe": {
        "query_strings": array<string>
Field Value
query_strings An array of strings, each of which contains a single SQL query.

Server to client

Message Description
IdentityToken Sent once upon successful connection with the client's identity and token.
SubscriptionUpdate Initial message in response to a Subscribe message.
TransactionUpdate Streaming update after a reducer runs containing altered rows.


Upon establishing a WebSocket connection, the server will send an IdentityToken message containing the client's identity and token. If the client included a SpacetimeDB Authorization header in their connection request, the IdentityToken message will contain the same token used to connect, and its corresponding identity. If the client connected anonymously, SpacetimeDB will generate a new identity and token for the client.

Binary: ProtoBuf definition
message IdentityToken {
    bytes identity = 1;
    string token = 2;
Field Value
identity The client's public Spacetime identity.
token The client's private access token.
Text: JSON encoding
    "IdentityToken": {
        "identity": array<number>,
        "token": string
Field Value
identity The client's public Spacetime identity.
token The client's private access token.


In response to a Subscribe message, the database sends a SubscriptionUpdate containing all of the matching rows which are resident in the database at the time the Subscribe was received.

Binary: ProtoBuf definition
message SubscriptionUpdate {
    repeated TableUpdate tableUpdates = 1;

message TableUpdate {
    uint32 tableId = 1;
    string tableName = 2;
    repeated TableRowOperation tableRowOperations = 3;

message TableRowOperation {
    enum OperationType {
        DELETE = 0;
        INSERT = 1;
    OperationType op = 1;
    bytes row = 3;

Each SubscriptionUpdate contains a TableUpdate for each table with subscribed rows. Each TableUpdate contains a TableRowOperation for each subscribed row. SubscriptionUpdate, TableUpdate and TableRowOperation are also used by the TransactionUpdate message to encode rows altered by a reducer, so TableRowOperation includes an OperationType which identifies the row alteration as either an insert or a delete. When a client receives a SubscriptionUpdate message in response to a Subscribe message, all of the TableRowOperations will have op of INSERT.

TableUpdate field Value
tableId An integer identifier for the table. A table's tableId is not stable, so clients should not depend on it.
tableName The string name of the table. Clients should use this field to identify the table, rather than the tableId.
tableRowOperations A TableRowOperation for each inserted or deleted row.
TableRowOperation field Value
op INSERT for inserted rows during a TransactionUpdate or rows resident upon applying a subscription; DELETE for deleted rows during a TransactionUpdate.
row The altered row, encoded as a BSATN ProductValue.
Text: JSON encoding
// SubscriptionUpdate:
    "SubscriptionUpdate": {
        "table_updates": array<TableUpdate>

// TableUpdate:
    "table_id": number,
    "table_name": string,
    "table_row_operations": array<TableRowOperation>

// TableRowOperation:
    "op": "insert" | "delete",
    "row": array

Each SubscriptionUpdate contains a TableUpdate for each table with subscribed rows. Each TableUpdate contains a TableRowOperation for each subscribed row. SubscriptionUpdate, TableUpdate and TableRowOperation are also used by the TransactionUpdate message to encode rows altered by a reducer, so TableRowOperation includes an "op" field which identifies the row alteration as either an insert or a delete. When a client receives a SubscriptionUpdate message in response to a Subscribe message, all of the TableRowOperations will have "op" of "insert".

TableUpdate field Value
table_id An integer identifier for the table. A table's table_id is not stable, so clients should not depend on it.
table_name The string name of the table. Clients should use this field to identify the table, rather than the table_id.
table_row_operations A TableRowOperation for each inserted or deleted row.
TableRowOperation field Value
op "insert" for inserted rows during a TransactionUpdate or rows resident upon applying a subscription; "delete" for deleted rows during a TransactionUpdate.
row The altered row, encoded as a JSON array.


Upon a reducer run, a client will receive a TransactionUpdate containing information about the reducer which ran and the subscribed rows which it altered. Clients will only receive a TransactionUpdate for a reducer invocation if either of two criteria is met:

  1. The reducer ran successfully and altered at least one row to which the client subscribes.
  2. The reducer was invoked by the client, and either failed or was terminated due to insufficient energy.

Each TransactionUpdate contains a SubscriptionUpdate with all rows altered by the reducer, including inserts and deletes; and an Event with information about the reducer itself, including a FunctionCall containing the reducer's name and arguments.

Binary: ProtoBuf definition
message TransactionUpdate {
    Event event = 1;
    SubscriptionUpdate subscriptionUpdate = 2;

message Event {
    enum Status {
        committed = 0;
        failed = 1;
        out_of_energy = 2;
    uint64 timestamp = 1;
    bytes callerIdentity = 2;
    FunctionCall functionCall = 3;
    Status status = 4;
    string message = 5;
    int64 energy_quanta_used = 6;
    uint64 host_execution_duration_micros = 7;
Field Value
event An Event containing information about the reducer run.
subscriptionUpdate A SubscriptionUpdate containing all the row insertions and deletions committed by the transaction.
Event field Value
timestamp The time when the reducer started, as microseconds since the Unix epoch.
callerIdentity The identity of the client which requested the reducer invocation. For event-driven and scheduled reducers, this is the identity of the database owner.
functionCall A FunctionCall containing the name of the reducer and the arguments passed to it.
status committed if the reducer ran successfully and its changes were committed to the database; failed if the reducer signaled an error; out_of_energy if the reducer was canceled due to insufficient energy.
message The error message with which the reducer failed if status is failed, or the empty string otherwise.
energy_quanta_used The amount of energy consumed by running the reducer.
host_execution_duration_micros The duration of the reducer's execution, in microseconds.
Text: JSON encoding
// TransactionUpdate:
    "TransactionUpdate": {
        "event": Event,
        "subscription_update": SubscriptionUpdate

// Event:
    "timestamp": number,
    "status": "committed" | "failed" | "out_of_energy",
    "caller_identity": string,
    "function_call": {
        "reducer": string,
        "args": array,
    "energy_quanta_used": number,
    "message": string
Field Value
event An Event containing information about the reducer run.
subscription_update A SubscriptionUpdate containing all the row insertions and deletions committed by the transaction.
Event field Value
timestamp The time when the reducer started, as microseconds since the Unix epoch.
status committed if the reducer ran successfully and its changes were committed to the database; failed if the reducer signaled an error; out_of_energy if the reducer was canceled due to insufficient energy.
caller_identity The identity of the client which requested the reducer invocation. For event-driven and scheduled reducers, this is the identity of the database owner.
function_call.reducer The name of the reducer.
function_call.args The reducer arguments encoded as a JSON array.
energy_quanta_used The amount of energy consumed by running the reducer.
message The error message with which the reducer failed if status is failed, or the empty string otherwise.
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