Testnet is now LIVE at testnet.spacetimedb.com! NOTE: This is a testnet, and all data will be wiped periodically.

1.0 RC3


`/database` HTTP API

The HTTP endpoints in /database allow clients to interact with Spacetime databases in a variety of ways, including retrieving information, creating and deleting databases, invoking reducers and evaluating SQL queries.

At a glance

Route Description
/database/dns/:name GET Look up a database's address by its name.
/database/reverse_dns/:address GET Look up a database's name by its address.
/database/set_name GET Set a database's name, given its address.
/database/ping GET No-op. Used to determine whether a client can connect.
/database/register_tld GET Register a top-level domain.
/database/publish POST Publish a database given its module code.
/database/delete/:address POST Delete a database.
/database/subscribe/:name_or_address GET Begin a WebSocket connection.
/database/call/:name_or_address/:reducer POST Invoke a reducer in a database.
/database/schema/:name_or_address GET Get the schema for a database.
/database/schema/:name_or_address/:entity_type/:entity GET Get a schema for a particular table or reducer.
/database/info/:name_or_address GET Get a JSON description of a database.
/database/logs/:name_or_address GET Retrieve logs from a database.
/database/sql/:name_or_address POST Run a SQL query against a database.

`/database/dns/:name GET`

Look up a database's address by its name.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime dns lookup <name>.


Name Value
:name The name of the database.


If a database with that name exists, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Success": {
    "domain": string,
    "address": string
} } 

If no database with that name exists, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Failure": {
    "domain": string
} } 

`/database/reverse_dns/:address GET`

Look up a database's name by its address.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime dns reverse-lookup <address>.


Name Value
:address The address of the database.


Returns JSON in the form:

{ "names": array<string> } 

where <names> is a JSON array of strings, each of which is a name which refers to the database.

`/database/set_name GET`

Set the name associated with a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime dns set-name <domain> <address>.

Query Parameters

Name Value
address The address of the database to be named.
domain The name to register.
register_tld A boolean; whether to register the name as a TLD. Should usually be true.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


If the name was successfully set, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Success": {
    "domain": string,
    "address": string
} } 

If the top-level domain is not registered, and register_tld was not specified, returns JSON in the form:

{ "TldNotRegistered": {
    "domain": string
} } 

If the top-level domain is registered, but the identity provided in the Authorization header does not have permission to insert into it, returns JSON in the form:

{ "PermissionDenied": {
    "domain": string
} } 


Spacetime top-level domains are an upcoming feature, and are not fully implemented in SpacetimeDB 0.6. For now, database names should not contain slashes.

`/database/ping GET`

Does nothing and returns no data. Clients can send requests to this endpoint to determine whether they are able to connect to SpacetimeDB.

`/database/register_tld GET`

Register a new Spacetime top-level domain. A TLD is the part of a database name before the first /. For example, in the name tyler/bitcraft, the TLD is tyler. Each top-level domain is owned by at most one identity, and only the owner can publish databases with that TLD.


Spacetime top-level domains are an upcoming feature, and are not fully implemented in SpacetimeDB 0.6. For now, database names should not contain slashes.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime dns register-tld <tld>.

Query Parameters

Name Value
tld New top-level domain name to register.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


If the domain is successfully registered, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Success": {
    "domain": string
} } 

If the domain is already registered to the caller, returns JSON in the form:

{ "AlreadyRegistered": {
    "domain": string
} } 

If the domain is already registered to another identity, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Unauthorized": {
    "domain": string
} } 

`/database/publish POST`

Publish a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime publish.

Query Parameters

Name Value
host_type Optional; a SpacetimeDB module host type. Currently, only "wasmer" is supported.
clear A boolean; whether to clear any existing data when updating an existing database.
name_or_address The name of the database to publish or update, or the address of an existing database to update.
register_tld A boolean; whether to register the database's top-level domain.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


A WebAssembly module in the binary format.


If the database was successfully published, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Success": {
    "domain": null | string,
    "address": string,
    "op": "created" | "updated"
} } 

If the top-level domain for the requested name is not registered, returns JSON in the form:

{ "TldNotRegistered": {
    "domain": string
} } 

If the top-level domain for the requested name is registered, but the identity provided in the Authorization header does not have permission to insert into it, returns JSON in the form:

{ "PermissionDenied": {
    "domain": string
} } 


Spacetime top-level domains are an upcoming feature, and are not fully implemented in SpacetimeDB 0.6. For now, database names should not contain slashes.

`/database/delete/:address POST`

Delete a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime delete <address>.


Name Address
:address The address of the database.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.

`/database/subscribe/:name_or_address GET`

Begin a WebSocket connection with a database.


Name Value
:name_or_address The address of the database.

Required Headers

For more information about WebSocket headers, see RFC 6455.

Name Value
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol v1.bin.spacetimedb or v1.text.spacetimedb.
Connection Updgrade
Upgrade websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Version 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key A 16-byte value, generated randomly by the client, encoded as Base64.

Optional Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.

`/database/call/:name_or_address/:reducer POST`

Invoke a reducer in a database.


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.
:reducer The name of the reducer.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


A JSON array of arguments to the reducer.

`/database/schema/:name_or_address GET`

Get a schema for a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime describe <name_or_address>.


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.

Query Parameters

Name Value
expand A boolean; whether to include full schemas for each entity.


Returns a JSON object with two properties, "entities" and "typespace". For example, on the default module generated by spacetime init with expand=true, returns:

  "entities": {
    "Person": {
      "arity": 1,
      "schema": {
        "elements": [
            "algebraic_type": {
              "Builtin": {
                "String": []
            "name": {
              "some": "name"
      "type": "table"
    "__init__": {
      "arity": 0,
      "schema": {
        "elements": [],
        "name": "__init__"
      "type": "reducer"
    "add": {
      "arity": 1,
      "schema": {
        "elements": [
            "algebraic_type": {
              "Builtin": {
                "String": []
            "name": {
              "some": "name"
        "name": "add"
      "type": "reducer"
    "say_hello": {
      "arity": 0,
      "schema": {
        "elements": [],
        "name": "say_hello"
      "type": "reducer"
  "typespace": [
      "Product": {
        "elements": [
            "algebraic_type": {
              "Builtin": {
                "String": []
            "name": {
              "some": "name"

The "entities" will be an object whose keys are table and reducer names, and whose values are objects of the form:

    "arity": number,
    "type": "table" | "reducer",
    "schema"?: ProductType
Entity field Value
arity For tables, the number of colums; for reducers, the number of arguments.
type For tables, "table"; for reducers, "reducer".
schema A JSON-encoded ProductType; for tables, the table schema; for reducers, the argument schema. Only present if expand is supplied and true.

The "typespace" will be a JSON array of AlgebraicTypes referenced by the module. This can be used to resolve Ref types within the schema; the type { "Ref": n } refers to response["typespace"][n].

`/database/schema/:name_or_address/:entity_type/:entity GET`

Get a schema for a particular table or reducer in a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime describe <name_or_address> <entity_type> <entity_name>.


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.
:entity_type reducer to describe a reducer, or table to describe a table.
:entity The name of the reducer or table.

Query Parameters

Name Value
expand A boolean; whether to include the full schema for the entity.


Returns a single entity in the same format as in the "entities" returned by the /database/schema/:name_or_address GET endpoint:

    "arity": number,
    "type": "table" | "reducer",
    "schema"?: ProductType,
Field Value
arity For tables, the number of colums; for reducers, the number of arguments.
type For tables, "table"; for reducers, "reducer".
schema A JSON-encoded ProductType; for tables, the table schema; for reducers, the argument schema. Only present if expand is supplied and true.

`/database/info/:name_or_address GET`

Get a database's address, owner identity, host type, number of replicas and a hash of its WASM module.


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.


Returns JSON in the form:

    "address": string,
    "owner_identity": string,
    "host_type": "wasm",
    "initial_program": string
Field Type Meaning
"address" String The address of the database.
"owner_identity" String The Spacetime identity of the database's owner.
"host_type" String The module host type; currently always "wasm".
"initial_program" String Hash of the WASM module with which the database was initialized.

`/database/logs/:name_or_address GET`

Retrieve logs from a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime logs <name_or_address>.


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.

Query Parameters

Name Value
num_lines Number of most-recent log lines to retrieve.
follow A boolean; whether to continue receiving new logs via a stream.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


Text, or streaming text if follow is supplied, containing log lines.

`/database/sql/:name_or_address POST`

Run a SQL query against a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime sql <name_or_address> <query>.


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database to query.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


SQL queries, separated by ;.


Returns a JSON array of statement results, each of which takes the form:

    "schema": ProductType,
    "rows": array

The schema will be a JSON-encoded ProductType describing the type of the returned rows.

The rows will be an array of JSON-encoded ProductValues, each of which conforms to the schema.

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