Testnet is now LIVE at testnet.spacetimedb.com! NOTE: This is a testnet, and all data will be wiped periodically.

1.0 RC2


`/database` HTTP API

The HTTP endpoints in /database allow clients to interact with Spacetime databases in a variety of ways, including retrieving information, creating and deleting databases, invoking reducers and evaluating SQL queries.

At a glance

Route Description
/database/dns/:name GET Look up a database's address by its name.
/database/reverse_dns/:address GET Look up a database's name by its address.
/database/set_name GET Set a database's name, given its address.
/database/ping GET No-op. Used to determine whether a client can connect.
/database/register_tld GET Register a top-level domain.
/database/request_recovery_code GET Request a recovery code to the email associated with an identity.
/database/confirm_recovery_code GET Recover a login token from a recovery code.
/database/publish POST Publish a database given its module code.
/database/delete/:address POST Delete a database.
/database/subscribe/:name_or_address GET Begin a WebSocket connection.
/database/call/:name_or_address/:reducer POST Invoke a reducer in a database.
/database/schema/:name_or_address GET Get the schema for a database.
/database/schema/:name_or_address/:entity_type/:entity GET Get a schema for a particular table or reducer.
/database/info/:name_or_address GET Get a JSON description of a database.
/database/logs/:name_or_address GET Retrieve logs from a database.
/database/sql/:name_or_address POST Run a SQL query against a database.

`/database/dns/:name GET`

Look up a database's address by its name.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime dns lookup .


Name Value
:name The name of the database.


If a database with that name exists, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Success": {
    "domain": string,
    "address": string
} } 

If no database with that name exists, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Failure": {
    "domain": string
} } 

`/database/reverse_dns/:address GET`

Look up a database's name by its address.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime dns reverse-lookup



Name Value
:address The address of the database.


Returns JSON in the form:

{ "names": array<string> } 

where is a JSON array of strings, each of which is a name which refers to the database.

`/database/set_name GET`

Set the name associated with a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime dns set-name


Query Parameters

Name Value
address The address of the database to be named.
domain The name to register.
register_tld A boolean; whether to register the name as a TLD. Should usually be true.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


If the name was successfully set, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Success": {
    "domain": string,
    "address": string
} } 

If the top-level domain is not registered, and register_tld was not specified, returns JSON in the form:

{ "TldNotRegistered": {
    "domain": string
} } 

If the top-level domain is registered, but the identity provided in the Authorization header does not have permission to insert into it, returns JSON in the form:

{ "PermissionDenied": {
    "domain": string
} } 


Spacetime top-level domains are an upcoming feature, and are not fully implemented in SpacetimeDB 0.6. For now, database names should not contain slashes.

`/database/ping GET`

Does nothing and returns no data. Clients can send requests to this endpoint to determine whether they are able to connect to SpacetimeDB.

`/database/register_tld GET`

Register a new Spacetime top-level domain. A TLD is the part of a database name before the first /. For example, in the name tyler/bitcraft, the TLD is tyler. Each top-level domain is owned by at most one identity, and only the owner can publish databases with that TLD.


Spacetime top-level domains are an upcoming feature, and are not fully implemented in SpacetimeDB 0.6. For now, database names should not contain slashes.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime dns register-tld .

Query Parameters

Name Value
tld New top-level domain name to register.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


If the domain is successfully registered, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Success": {
    "domain": string
} } 

If the domain is already registered to the caller, returns JSON in the form:

{ "AlreadyRegistered": {
    "domain": string
} } 

If the domain is already registered to another identity, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Unauthorized": {
    "domain": string
} } 

`/database/request_recovery_code GET`

Request a recovery code or link via email, in order to recover the token associated with an identity.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime identity recover .

Query Parameters

Name Value
identity The identity whose token should be recovered.
email The email to send the recovery code or link to. This email must be associated with the identity, either during creation via /identity or afterwards via /identity/:identity/set-email.
link A boolean; whether to send a clickable link rather than a recovery code.

`/database/confirm_recovery_code GET`

Confirm a recovery code received via email following a /database/request_recovery_code GET request, and retrieve the identity's token.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime identity recover .

Query Parameters

Name Value
identity The identity whose token should be recovered.
email The email which received the recovery code.
code The recovery code received via email.

On success, returns JSON in the form:

    "identity": string,
    "token": string

`/database/publish POST`

Publish a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime publish.

Query Parameters

Name Value
host_type Optional; a SpacetimeDB module host type. Currently, only "wasmer" is supported.
clear A boolean; whether to clear any existing data when updating an existing database.
name_or_address The name of the database to publish or update, or the address of an existing database to update.
register_tld A boolean; whether to register the database's top-level domain.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


A WebAssembly module in the binary format.


If the database was successfully published, returns JSON in the form:

{ "Success": {
    "domain": null | string,
    "address": string,
    "op": "created" | "updated"
} } 

If the top-level domain for the requested name is not registered, returns JSON in the form:

{ "TldNotRegistered": {
    "domain": string
} } 

If the top-level domain for the requested name is registered, but the identity provided in the Authorization header does not have permission to insert into it, returns JSON in the form:

{ "PermissionDenied": {
    "domain": string
} } 


Spacetime top-level domains are an upcoming feature, and are not fully implemented in SpacetimeDB 0.6. For now, database names should not contain slashes.

`/database/delete/:address POST`

Delete a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime delete



Name Address
:address The address of the database.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.

`/database/subscribe/:name_or_address GET`

Begin a WebSocket connection with a database.


Name Value
:name_or_address The address of the database.

Required Headers

For more information about WebSocket headers, see RFC 6455.

Name Value
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol v1.bin.spacetimedb or v1.text.spacetimedb.
Connection Updgrade
Upgrade websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Version 13
Sec-WebSocket-Key A 16-byte value, generated randomly by the client, encoded as Base64.

Optional Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.

`/database/call/:name_or_address/:reducer POST`

Invoke a reducer in a database.


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.
:reducer The name of the reducer.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


A JSON array of arguments to the reducer.

`/database/schema/:name_or_address GET`

Get a schema for a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime describe .


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.

Query Parameters

Name Value
expand A boolean; whether to include full schemas for each entity.


Returns a JSON object with two properties, "entities" and "typespace". For example, on the default module generated by spacetime init with expand=true, returns:

  "entities": {
    "Person": {
      "arity": 1,
      "schema": {
        "elements": [
            "algebraic_type": {
              "Builtin": {
                "String": []
            "name": {
              "some": "name"
      "type": "table"
    "__init__": {
      "arity": 0,
      "schema": {
        "elements": [],
        "name": "__init__"
      "type": "reducer"
    "add": {
      "arity": 1,
      "schema": {
        "elements": [
            "algebraic_type": {
              "Builtin": {
                "String": []
            "name": {
              "some": "name"
        "name": "add"
      "type": "reducer"
    "say_hello": {
      "arity": 0,
      "schema": {
        "elements": [],
        "name": "say_hello"
      "type": "reducer"
  "typespace": [
      "Product": {
        "elements": [
            "algebraic_type": {
              "Builtin": {
                "String": []
            "name": {
              "some": "name"

The "entities" will be an object whose keys are table and reducer names, and whose values are objects of the form:

    "arity": number,
    "type": "table" | "reducer",
    "schema"?: ProductType
Entity field Value
arity For tables, the number of colums; for reducers, the number of arguments.
type For tables, "table"; for reducers, "reducer".
schema A JSON-encoded ProductType; for tables, the table schema; for reducers, the argument schema. Only present if expand is supplied and true.

The "typespace" will be a JSON array of AlgebraicTypes referenced by the module. This can be used to resolve Ref types within the schema; the type { "Ref": n } refers to response["typespace"][n].

`/database/schema/:name_or_address/:entity_type/:entity GET`

Get a schema for a particular table or reducer in a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime describe .


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.
:entity_type reducer to describe a reducer, or table to describe a table.
:entity The name of the reducer or table.

Query Parameters

Name Value
expand A boolean; whether to include the full schema for the entity.


Returns a single entity in the same format as in the "entities" returned by the /database/schema/:name_or_address GET endpoint:

    "arity": number,
    "type": "table" | "reducer",
    "schema"?: ProductType,
Field Value
arity For tables, the number of colums; for reducers, the number of arguments.
type For tables, "table"; for reducers, "reducer".
schema A JSON-encoded ProductType; for tables, the table schema; for reducers, the argument schema. Only present if expand is supplied and true.

`/database/info/:name_or_address GET`

Get a database's address, owner identity, host type, number of replicas and a hash of its WASM module.


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.


Returns JSON in the form:

    "address": string,
    "owner_identity": string,
    "host_type": "wasm",
    "initial_program": string
Field Type Meaning
"address" String The address of the database.
"owner_identity" String The Spacetime identity of the database's owner.
"host_type" String The module host type; currently always "wasm".
"initial_program" String Hash of the WASM module with which the database was initialized.

`/database/logs/:name_or_address GET`

Retrieve logs from a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime logs .


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database.

Query Parameters

Name Value
num_lines Number of most-recent log lines to retrieve.
follow A boolean; whether to continue receiving new logs via a stream.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


Text, or streaming text if follow is supplied, containing log lines.

`/database/sql/:name_or_address POST`

Run a SQL query against a database.

Accessible through the CLI as spacetime sql .


Name Value
:name_or_address The name or address of the database to query.

Required Headers

Name Value
Authorization A Spacetime token encoded as Basic authorization.


SQL queries, separated by ;.


Returns a JSON array of statement results, each of which takes the form:

    "schema": ProductType,
    "rows": array

The schema will be a JSON-encoded ProductType describing the type of the returned rows.

The rows will be an array of JSON-encoded ProductValues, each of which conforms to the schema.

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