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Command-Line Help for `spacetime`

This document contains the help content for the spacetime command-line program.

Command Overview:


Usage: spacetime [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • publish — Create and update a SpacetimeDB database
  • delete — Deletes a SpacetimeDB database
  • logs — Prints logs from a SpacetimeDB database
  • call — Invokes a reducer function in a database. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.
  • describe — Describe the structure of a database or entities within it. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.
  • energy — Invokes commands related to database budgets. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.
  • sql — Runs a SQL query on the database. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.
  • rename — Rename a database
  • generate — Generate client files for a spacetime module.
  • list — Lists the databases attached to an identity. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.
  • login — Manage your login to the SpacetimeDB CLI
  • logout
  • init — Initializes a new spacetime project. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.
  • build — Builds a spacetime module.
  • server — Manage the connection to the SpacetimeDB server. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.
  • subscribe — Subscribe to SQL queries on the database. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.
  • start — Start a local SpacetimeDB instance
  • version — Manage installed spacetime versions
  • --root-dir <ROOT_DIR> — The root directory to store all spacetime files in.
  • --config-path <CONFIG_PATH> — The path to the cli.toml config file

spacetime publish

Create and update a SpacetimeDB database

Usage: spacetime publish [OPTIONS] [name|identity]

Run spacetime help publish for more detailed information.

  • <NAME|IDENTITY> — A valid domain or identity for this database
  • -c, --delete-data — When publishing to an existing database identity, first DESTROY all data associated with the module

  • --build-options <BUILD_OPTIONS> — Options to pass to the build command, for example --build-options='--skip-println-checks'

    Default value: ``

  • -p, --project-path <PROJECT_PATH> — The system path (absolute or relative) to the module project

    Default value: .

  • -b, --bin-path <WASM_FILE> — The system path (absolute or relative) to the compiled wasm binary we should publish, instead of building the project.

  • --anonymous — Perform this action with an anonymous identity

  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, domain name or URL of the server to host the database.

  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime delete

Deletes a SpacetimeDB database

Usage: spacetime delete [OPTIONS] <database>

Run spacetime help delete for more detailed information.

  • <DATABASE> — The name or identity of the database to delete
  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server hosting the database
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime logs

Prints logs from a SpacetimeDB database

Usage: spacetime logs [OPTIONS] <database>

Run spacetime help logs for more detailed information.

  • <DATABASE> — The name or identity of the database to print logs from
  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server hosting the database

  • -n, --num-lines <NUM_LINES> — The number of lines to print from the start of the log of this database. If no num lines is provided, all lines will be returned.

  • -f, --follow — A flag that causes logs to not stop when end of the log file is reached, but rather to wait for additional data to be appended to the input.

  • --format <FORMAT> — Output format for the logs

    Default value: text

    Possible values: text, json

  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime call

Invokes a reducer function in a database. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.

Usage: spacetime call [OPTIONS] <database> <reducer_name> [arguments]...

Run spacetime help call for more detailed information.

  • <DATABASE> — The database name or identity to use to invoke the call
  • <REDUCER_NAME> — The name of the reducer to call
  • <ARGUMENTS> — arguments formatted as JSON
  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server hosting the database
  • --anonymous — Perform this action with an anonymous identity
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime describe

Describe the structure of a database or entities within it. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.

Usage: spacetime describe [OPTIONS] --json <database> [entity_type] [entity_name]

Run spacetime help describe for more detailed information.

  • <DATABASE> — The name or identity of the database to describe

  • <ENTITY_TYPE> — Whether to describe a reducer or table

    Possible values: reducer, table

  • <ENTITY_NAME> — The name of the entity to describe

  • --json — Output the schema in JSON format. Currently required; in the future, omitting this will give human-readable output.
  • --anonymous — Perform this action with an anonymous identity
  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server hosting the database
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime energy

Invokes commands related to database budgets. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.

Usage: spacetime energy energy <COMMAND>

  • balance — Show current energy balance for an identity

spacetime energy balance

Show current energy balance for an identity

Usage: spacetime energy balance [OPTIONS]

  • -i, --identity <IDENTITY> — The identity to check the balance for. If no identity is provided, the default one will be used.
  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server from which to request balance information
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime sql

Runs a SQL query on the database. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.

Usage: spacetime sql [OPTIONS] <database> <query>

  • <DATABASE> — The name or identity of the database you would like to query
  • <QUERY> — The SQL query to execute
  • --interactive — Instead of using a query, run an interactive command prompt for SQL expressions
  • --anonymous — Perform this action with an anonymous identity
  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server hosting the database
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime rename

Rename a database

Usage: spacetime rename [OPTIONS] --to <new-name> <database-identity>

Run spacetime rename --help for more detailed information.

  • <DATABASE-IDENTITY> — The database identity to rename
  • --to <NEW-NAME> — The new name you would like to assign
  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server on which to set the name
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime generate

Generate client files for a spacetime module.

Usage: spacetime spacetime generate --lang <LANG> --out-dir <DIR> [--project-path <DIR> | --bin-path <PATH>]

Run spacetime help publish for more detailed information.

  • -b, --bin-path <WASM_FILE> — The system path (absolute or relative) to the compiled wasm binary we should inspect

  • -p, --project-path <PROJECT_PATH> — The system path (absolute or relative) to the project you would like to inspect

    Default value: .

  • -o, --out-dir <OUT_DIR> — The system path (absolute or relative) to the generate output directory

  • --namespace <NAMESPACE> — The namespace that should be used

    Default value: SpacetimeDB.Types

  • -l, --lang <LANG> — The language to generate

    Possible values: csharp, typescript, rust

  • --build-options <BUILD_OPTIONS> — Options to pass to the build command, for example --build-options='--skip-println-checks'

    Default value: ``

  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime list

Lists the databases attached to an identity. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.

Usage: spacetime list [OPTIONS]

  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server from which to list databases
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime login

Manage your login to the SpacetimeDB CLI

Usage: spacetime login [OPTIONS] login <COMMAND>

  • show — Show the current login info
  • --auth-host <AUTH-HOST> — Fetch login token from a different host

    Default value:

  • --server-issued-login <SERVER> — Log in to a SpacetimeDB server directly, without going through a global auth server

  • --token <SPACETIMEDB-TOKEN> — Bypass the login flow and use a login token directly

spacetime login show

Show the current login info

Usage: spacetime login show [OPTIONS]

  • --token — Also show the auth token

spacetime logout

Usage: spacetime logout [OPTIONS]

  • --auth-host <AUTH-HOST> — Log out from a custom auth server

    Default value:

spacetime init

Initializes a new spacetime project. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.

Usage: spacetime init --lang <lang> [project-path]

  • <PROJECT-PATH> — The path where we will create the spacetime project

    Default value: .

  • -l, --lang <LANG> — The spacetime module language.

    Possible values: csharp, rust

spacetime build

Builds a spacetime module.

Usage: spacetime build [OPTIONS]

  • -p, --project-path <PROJECT_PATH> — The system path (absolute or relative) to the project you would like to build

    Default value: .

  • --lint-dir <LINT_DIR> — The directory to lint for nonfunctional print statements. If set to the empty string, skips linting.

    Default value: src

  • -d, --debug — Builds the module using debug instead of release (intended to speed up local iteration, not recommended for CI)

spacetime server

Manage the connection to the SpacetimeDB server. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.

Usage: spacetime server server <COMMAND>

  • list — List stored server configurations
  • set-default — Set the default server for future operations
  • add — Add a new server configuration
  • remove — Remove a saved server configuration
  • fingerprint — Show or update a saved server's fingerprint
  • ping — Checks to see if a SpacetimeDB host is online
  • edit — Update a saved server's nickname, host name or protocol
  • clear — Deletes all data from all local databases

spacetime server list

List stored server configurations

Usage: spacetime server list

spacetime server set-default

Set the default server for future operations

Usage: spacetime server set-default <server>

  • <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the new default server

spacetime server add

Add a new server configuration

Usage: spacetime server add [OPTIONS] --url <url> <name>

  • <NAME> — Nickname for this server
  • --url <URL> — The URL of the server to add
  • -d, --default — Make the new server the default server for future operations
  • --no-fingerprint — Skip fingerprinting the server

spacetime server remove

Remove a saved server configuration

Usage: spacetime server remove [OPTIONS] <server>

  • <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server to remove
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime server fingerprint

Show or update a saved server's fingerprint

Usage: spacetime server fingerprint [OPTIONS] <server>

  • <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime server ping

Checks to see if a SpacetimeDB host is online

Usage: spacetime server ping <server>

  • <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server to ping

spacetime server edit

Update a saved server's nickname, host name or protocol

Usage: spacetime server edit [OPTIONS] <server>

  • <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server
  • --new-name <NICKNAME> — A new nickname to assign the server configuration
  • --url <URL> — A new URL to assign the server configuration
  • --no-fingerprint — Skip fingerprinting the server
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime server clear

Deletes all data from all local databases

Usage: spacetime server clear [OPTIONS]

  • --data-dir <DATA_DIR> — The path to the server data directory to clear [default: that of the selected spacetime instance]
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with

spacetime subscribe

Subscribe to SQL queries on the database. WARNING: This command is UNSTABLE and subject to breaking changes.

Usage: spacetime subscribe [OPTIONS] <database> <query>...

  • <DATABASE> — The name or identity of the database you would like to query
  • <QUERY> — The SQL query to execute
  • -n, --num-updates <NUM-UPDATES> — The number of subscription updates to receive before exiting
  • -t, --timeout <TIMEOUT> — The timeout, in seconds, after which to disconnect and stop receiving subscription messages. If -n is specified, it will stop after whichever one comes first.
  • --print-initial-update — Print the initial update for the queries.
  • --anonymous — Perform this action with an anonymous identity
  • -y, --yes — Run non-interactively wherever possible. This will answer "yes" to almost all prompts, but will sometimes answer "no" to preserve non-interactivity (e.g. when prompting whether to log in with
  • -s, --server <SERVER> — The nickname, host name or URL of the server hosting the database

spacetime start

Start a local SpacetimeDB instance

Run spacetime start --help to see all options.

Usage: spacetime start [OPTIONS] [args]...

  • <ARGS> — The args to pass to spacetimedb-{edition} start
  • --edition <EDITION> — The edition of SpacetimeDB to start up

    Default value: standalone

    Possible values: standalone, cloud

spacetime version

Manage installed spacetime versions

Run spacetime version --help to see all options.

Usage: spacetime version [ARGS]...

  • <ARGS> — The args to pass to spacetimedb-update

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