Testnet is now LIVE at testnet.spacetimedb.com! NOTE: This is a testnet, and all data will be wiped periodically.

BETA v0.11


The SpacetimeDB Rust client SDK

The SpacetimeDB client SDK for Rust contains all the tools you need to build native clients for SpacetimeDB modules using Rust.

Install the SDK

First, create a new project using cargo new and add the SpacetimeDB SDK to your dependencies:

cargo add spacetimedb 

Generate module bindings

Each SpacetimeDB client depends on some bindings specific to your module. Create a module_bindings directory in your project's src directory and generate the Rust interface files using the Spacetime CLI. From your project directory, run:

mkdir -p src/module_bindings
spacetime generate --lang rust \
    --out-dir src/module_bindings \
    --project-path PATH-TO-MODULE-DIRECTORY 

Replace PATH-TO-MODULE-DIRECTORY with the path to your SpacetimeDB module.

Declare a mod for the bindings in your client's src/main.rs:

mod module_bindings; 

API at a glance

Definition Description
Function module_bindings::connect Autogenerated function to connect to a database.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::disconnect Close the active connection.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::on_disconnect Register a FnMut callback to run when a connection ends.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::once_on_disconnect Register a FnOnce callback to run the next time a connection ends.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::remove_on_disconnect Cancel an on_disconnect or once_on_disconnect callback.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::subscribe Subscribe to queries with a &[&str].
Function spacetimedb_sdk::subscribe_owned Subscribe to queries with a Vec<String>.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::on_subscription_applied Register a FnMut callback to run when a subscription's initial rows become available.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::once_on_subscription_applied Register a FnOnce callback to run the next time a subscription's initial rows become available.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::remove_on_subscription_applied Cancel an on_subscription_applied or once_on_subscription_applied callback.
Type spacetimedb_sdk::identity::Identity A unique public identifier for a client.
Type spacetimedb_sdk::identity::Token A private authentication token corresponding to an Identity.
Type spacetimedb_sdk::identity::Credentials An Identity paired with its Token.
Type spacetimedb_sdk::Address An opaque identifier for differentiating connections by the same Identity.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::identity::identity Return the current connection's Identity.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::identity::token Return the current connection's Token.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::identity::credentials Return the current connection's Credentials.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::identity::address Return the current connection's Address.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::identity::on_connect Register a FnMut callback to run when the connection's Credentials are verified with the database.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::identity::once_on_connect Register a FnOnce callback to run when the connection's Credentials are verified with the database.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::identity::remove_on_connect Cancel an on_connect or once_on_connect callback.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::identity::load_credentials Load a saved Credentials from a file.
Function spacetimedb_sdk::identity::save_credentials Save a Credentials to a file.
Type module_bindings::{TABLE} Autogenerated struct type for a table, holding one row.
Method module_bindings::{TABLE}::filter_by_{COLUMN} Autogenerated method to iterate over subscribed rows where a column matches a value.
Method module_bindings::{TABLE}::find_by_{COLUMN} Autogenerated method to seek a subscribed row where a unique column matches a value.
Trait spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableType Automatically implemented for all tables defined by a module.
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableType::count Count the number of subscribed rows in a table.
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableType::iter Iterate over all subscribed rows.
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableType::filter Iterate over a subset of subscribed rows matching a predicate.
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableType::find Return one subscribed row matching a predicate.
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableType::on_insert Register a FnMut callback to run whenever a new subscribed row is inserted.
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableType::remove_on_insert Cancel an on_insert callback.
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableType::on_delete Register a FnMut callback to run whenever a subscribed row is deleted.
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableType::remove_on_delete Cancel an on_delete callback.
Trait spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableWithPrimaryKey Automatically implemented for tables with a column designated #[primarykey].
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableWithPrimaryKey::on_update Register a FnMut callback to run whenever an existing subscribed row is updated.
Method spacetimedb_sdk::table::TableWithPrimaryKey::remove_on_update Cancel an on_update callback.
Type module_bindings::ReducerEvent Autogenerated enum with a variant for each reducer defined by the module.
Type module_bindings::{REDUCER}Args Autogenerated struct type for a reducer, holding its arguments.
Function module_bindings::{REDUCER} Autogenerated function to invoke a reducer.
Function module_bindings::on_{REDUCER} Autogenerated function to register a FnMut callback to run whenever the reducer is invoked.
Function module_bindings::once_on_{REDUCER} Autogenerated function to register a FnOnce callback to run the next time the reducer is invoked.
Function module_bindings::remove_on_{REDUCER} Autogenerated function to cancel an on_{REDUCER} or once_on_{REDUCER} callback.
Type spacetimedb_sdk::reducer::Status Enum representing reducer completion statuses.

Connect to a database

Function connect

    spacetimedb_uri: impl TryInto<Uri>,
    db_name: &str,
    credentials: Option<Credentials>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> 

Connect to a database named db_name accessible over the internet at the URI spacetimedb_uri.

Argument Type Meaning
spacetimedb_uri impl TryInto<Uri> URI of the SpacetimeDB instance running the module.
db_name &str Name of the module.
credentials Option<Credentials> Credentials to authenticate the user.

If credentials are supplied, they will be passed to the new connection to identify and authenticate the user. Otherwise, a set of Credentials will be generated by the server.

const MODULE_NAME: &str = "my-module-name";

// Connect to a local DB with a fresh identity
connect("http://localhost:3000", MODULE_NAME, None)
    .expect("Connection failed");

// Connect to cloud with a fresh identity.
connect("https://testnet.spacetimedb.com", MODULE_NAME, None)
    .expect("Connection failed");

// Connect with a saved identity
const CREDENTIALS_DIR: &str = ".my-module";
        .expect("Error while loading credentials"),
).expect("Connection failed"); 

Function disconnect


Gracefully close the current WebSocket connection.

If there is no active connection, this operation does nothing.

connect(SPACETIMEDB_URI, MODULE_NAME, credentials)
    .expect("Connection failed");



Function on_disconnect

    callback: impl FnMut() + Send + 'static,
) -> DisconnectCallbackId 

Register a callback to be invoked when a connection ends.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnMut() + Send + 'static Callback to be invoked when subscriptions are applied.

The callback will be invoked after calling disconnect, or when a connection is closed by the server.

The returned DisconnectCallbackId can be passed to remove_on_disconnect to unregister the callback.

on_disconnect(|| println!("Disconnected!"));

connect(SPACETIMEDB_URI, MODULE_NAME, credentials)
    .expect("Connection failed");


// Will print "Disconnected!" 

Function once_on_disconnect

    callback: impl FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
) -> DisconnectCallbackId 

Register a callback to be invoked the next time a connection ends.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnMut() + Send + 'static Callback to be invoked when subscriptions are applied.

The callback will be invoked after calling disconnect, or when a connection is closed by the server.

The callback will be unregistered after running.

The returned DisconnectCallbackId can be passed to remove_on_disconnect to unregister the callback.

once_on_disconnect(|| println!("Disconnected!"));

connect(SPACETIMEDB_URI, MODULE_NAME, credentials)
    .expect("Connection failed");


// Will print "Disconnected!"

connect(SPACETIMEDB_URI, MODULE_NAME, credentials)
    .expect("Connection failed");


// Nothing printed this time. 

Function remove_on_disconnect

    id: DisconnectCallbackId,

Unregister a previously-registered on_disconnect callback.

Argument Type Meaning
id DisconnectCallbackId Identifier for the callback to be removed.

If id does not refer to a currently-registered callback, this operation does nothing.

let id = on_disconnect(|| unreachable!());



// No `unreachable` panic. 

Subscribe to queries

Function subscribe

spacetimedb_sdk::subscribe(queries: &[&str]) -> anyhow::Result<()> 

Subscribe to a set of queries, to be notified when rows which match those queries are altered.

Argument Type Meaning
queries &[&str] SQL queries to subscribe to.

The queries should be a slice of strings representing SQL queries.

subscribe will return an error if called before establishing a connection with the autogenerated connect function. In that case, the queries are not registered.

subscribe does not return data directly. The SDK will generate types module_bindings::{TABLE} corresponding to each of the tables in your module. These types implement the trait spacetimedb_sdk::table_type::TableType, which contains methods such as TableType::on_insert. Use these methods to receive data from the queries you subscribe to.

A new call to subscribe (or subscribe_owned) will remove all previous subscriptions and replace them with the new queries. If any rows matched the previous subscribed queries but do not match the new queries, those rows will be removed from the client cache, and TableType::on_delete callbacks will be invoked for them.

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;", "SELECT * FROM Message;"])
    .expect("Called `subscribe` before `connect`"); 

Function subscribe_owned

spacetimedb_sdk::subscribe_owned(queries: Vec<String>) -> anyhow::Result<()> 

Subscribe to a set of queries, to be notified when rows which match those queries are altered.

Argument Type Meaning
queries Vec<String> SQL queries to subscribe to.

The queries should be a Vec of Strings representing SQL queries.

A new call to subscribe_owned (or subscribe) will remove all previous subscriptions and replace them with the new queries. If any rows matched the previous subscribed queries but do not match the new queries, those rows will be removed from the client cache, and TableType::on_delete callbacks will be invoked for them.

subscribe_owned will return an error if called before establishing a connection with the autogenerated connect function. In that case, the queries are not registered.

let query = format!("SELECT * FROM User WHERE name = '{}';", compute_my_name());

    .expect("Called `subscribe_owned` before `connect`"); 

Function on_subscription_applied

    callback: impl FnMut() + Send + 'static,
) -> SubscriptionCallbackId 

Register a callback to be invoked the first time a subscription's matching rows becoming available.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnMut() + Send + 'static Callback to be invoked when subscriptions are applied.

The callback will be invoked after a successful subscribe or subscribe_owned call when the initial set of matching rows becomes available.

The returned SubscriptionCallbackId can be passed to remove_on_subscription_applied to unregister the callback.

on_subscription_applied(|| println!("Subscription applied!"));

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])
    .expect("Called `subscribe` before `connect`");


// Will print "Subscription applied!"

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;", "SELECT * FROM Message;"])
    .expect("Called `subscribe` before `connect`");

// Will print again. 

Function once_on_subscription_applied

    callback: impl FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
) -> SubscriptionCallbackId 

Register a callback to be invoked the next time a subscription's matching rows become available.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnMut() + Send + 'static Callback to be invoked when subscriptions are applied.

The callback will be invoked after a successful subscribe or subscribe_owned call when the initial set of matching rows becomes available.

The callback will be unregistered after running.

The returned SubscriptionCallbackId can be passed to remove_on_subscription_applied to unregister the callback.

once_on_subscription_applied(|| println!("Subscription applied!"));

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])
    .expect("Called `subscribe` before `connect`");


// Will print "Subscription applied!"

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;", "SELECT * FROM Message;"])
    .expect("Called `subscribe` before `connect`");

// Nothing printed this time. 

Function remove_on_subscription_applied

    id: SubscriptionCallbackId,

Unregister a previously-registered on_subscription_applied callback.

Argument Type Meaning
id SubscriptionCallbackId Identifier for the callback to be removed.

If id does not refer to a currently-registered callback, this operation does nothing.

let id = on_subscription_applied(|| println!("Subscription applied!"));

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])
    .expect("Called `subscribe` before `connect`");


// Will print "Subscription applied!"


subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;", "SELECT * FROM Message;"])
    .expect("Called `subscribe` before `connect`");

// Nothing printed this time. 

Identify a client

Type Identity


A unique public identifier for a client connected to a database.

Type Token


A private access token for a client connected to a database.

Type Credentials


Credentials, including a private access token, sufficient to authenticate a client connected to a database.

Field Type
identity Identity
token Token

Type Address


An opaque identifier for a client connection to a database, intended to differentiate between connections from the same Identity.

Function identity

spacetimedb_sdk::identity::identity() -> Result<Identity> 

Read the current connection's public Identity.

Returns an error if:

  • connect has not yet been called.
  • We connected anonymously, and we have not yet received our credentials.
    .expect("Failed to connect");


println!("My identity is {:?}", identity());

// Prints "My identity is Ok(Identity { bytes: [...several u8s...] })" 

Function token

spacetimedb_sdk::identity::token() -> Result<Token> 

Read the current connection's private Token.

Returns an error if:

  • connect has not yet been called.
  • We connected anonymously, and we have not yet received our credentials.
    .expect("Failed to connect");


println!("My token is {:?}", token());

// Prints "My token is Ok(Token {string: "...several Base64 digits..." })" 

Function credentials

spacetimedb_sdk::identity::credentials() -> Result<Credentials> 

Read the current connection's Credentials, including a public Identity and a private Token.

Returns an error if:

  • connect has not yet been called.
  • We connected anonymously, and we have not yet received our credentials.
    .expect("Failed to connect");


println!("My credentials are {:?}", credentials());

// Prints "My credentials are Ok(Credentials {
//        identity: Identity { bytes: [...several u8s...] },
//        token: Token { string: "...several Base64 digits..."},
// })" 

Function address

spacetimedb_sdk::identity::address() -> Result<Address> 

Read the current connection's Address.

Returns an error if connect has not yet been called.

    .expect("Failed to connect");


println!("My address is {:?}", address()); 

Function on_connect

    callback: impl FnMut(&Credentials, Address) + Send + 'static,
) -> ConnectCallbackId 

Register a callback to be invoked upon authentication with the database.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnMut(&Credentials, Address) + Send + 'sync Callback to be invoked upon successful authentication.

The callback will be invoked with the Credentials and Address provided by the database to identify this connection. If Credentials were supplied to connect, those passed to the callback will be equivalent to the ones used to connect. If the initial connection was anonymous, a new set of Credentials will be generated by the database to identify this user.

The Credentials passed to the callback can be saved and used to authenticate the same user in future connections.

The returned ConnectCallbackId can be passed to remove_on_connect to unregister the callback.

    |creds, addr|
        println!("Successfully connected! My credentials are: {:?} and my address is: {:?}", creds, addr)

    .expect("Failed to connect");


// Will print "Successfully connected! My credentials are: "
// followed by a printed representation of the client's `Credentials`. 

Function once_on_connect

    callback: impl FnOnce(&Credentials, Address) + Send + 'static,
) -> ConnectCallbackId 

Register a callback to be invoked once upon authentication with the database.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnOnce(&Credentials, Address) + Send + 'sync Callback to be invoked once upon next successful authentication.

The callback will be invoked with the Credentials and Address provided by the database to identify this connection. If Credentials were supplied to connect, those passed to the callback will be equivalent to the ones used to connect. If the initial connection was anonymous, a new set of Credentials will be generated by the database to identify this user.

The Credentials passed to the callback can be saved and used to authenticate the same user in future connections.

The callback will be unregistered after running.

The returned ConnectCallbackId can be passed to remove_on_connect to unregister the callback.

Function remove_on_connect

spacetimedb_sdk::identity::remove_on_connect(id: ConnectCallbackId) 

Unregister a previously-registered on_connect or once_on_connect callback.

Argument Type Meaning
id ConnectCallbackId Identifier for the callback to be removed.

If id does not refer to a currently-registered callback, this operation does nothing.

let id = on_connect(|_creds, _addr| unreachable!());


    .expect("Failed to connect");


// No `unreachable` panic. 

Function load_credentials

    dirname: &str,
) -> Result<Option<Credentials>> 

Load a saved Credentials from a file within ~/dirname, if one exists.

Argument Type Meaning
dirname &str Name of a sub-directory in the user's home directory.

dirname is treated as a directory in the user's home directory. If it contains a file named credentials, that file is treated as a BSATN-encoded Credentials, deserialized and returned. These files are created by save_credentials with the same dirname argument.

Returns Ok(None) if the directory or the credentials file does not exist. Returns Err when IO or deserialization fails. The returned Result may be unwrapped, and the contained Option passed to connect.

const CREDENTIALS_DIR = ".my-module";

let creds = load_credentials(CREDENTIALS_DIR)
    .expect("Error while loading credentials");

connect(SPACETIMEDB_URI, DB_NAME, creds)
    .expect("Failed to connect"); 

Function save_credentials

    dirname: &str,
    credentials: &Credentials,
) -> Result<()> 

Store a Credentials to a file within ~/dirname, to be later loaded with load_credentials.

Argument Type Meaning
dirname &str Name of a sub-directory in the user's home directory.
credentials &Credentials Credentials to store.

dirname is treated as a directory in the user's home directory. The directory is created if it does not already exists. A file within it named credentials is created or replaced, containing creds encoded as BSATN. The saved credentials can be retrieved by load_credentials with the same dirname argument.

Returns Err when IO or serialization fails.

const CREDENTIALS_DIR = ".my-module";

let creds = load_credentials(CREDENTIALS_DIRectory)
    .expect("Error while loading credentials");

on_connect(|creds, _addr| {
    if let Err(e) = save_credentials(CREDENTIALS_DIR, creds) {
        eprintln!("Error while saving credentials: {:?}", e);

connect(SPACETIMEDB_URI, DB_NAME, creds)
    .expect("Failed to connect"); 

View subscribed rows of tables

Type {TABLE}


For each table defined by a module, spacetime generate generates a struct in the module_bindings mod whose name is that table's name converted to PascalCase. The generated struct has a field for each of the table's columns, whose names are the column names converted to snake_case.

Method filter_by_{COLUMN}

    value: {COLUMN_TYPE},
) -> impl Iterator<Item = {TABLE}> 

For each column of a table, spacetime generate generates a static method on the table struct to filter subscribed rows where that column matches a requested value.

These methods are named filter_by_{COLUMN}, where {COLUMN} is the column name converted to snake_case. The method's return type is an Iterator over the {TABLE} rows which match the requested value.

Method find_by_{COLUMN}

    value: {COLUMN_TYPE},

For each unique column of a table (those annotated #[unique] and #[primarykey]), spacetime generate generates a static method on the table struct to seek a subscribed row where that column matches a requested value.

These methods are named find_by_{COLUMN}, where {COLUMN} is the column name converted to snake_case. The method's return type is Option<{TABLE}>.

Trait TableType


Every generated table struct implements the trait TableType.

Method count

TableType::count() -> usize 

Return the number of subscribed rows in the table, or 0 if there is no active connection.

This method acquires a global lock.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

on_subscription_applied(|| println!("There are {} users", User::count()));

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])


// Will the number of `User` rows in the database. 

Method iter

TableType::iter() -> impl Iterator<Item = Self> 

Iterate over all the subscribed rows in the table.

This method acquires a global lock, but the iterator does not hold it.

This method must heap-allocate enough memory to hold all of the rows being iterated over. TableType::filter allocates significantly less, so prefer it when possible.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

on_subscription_applied(|| for user in User::iter() {
    println!("{:?}", user);

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])


// Will print a line for each `User` row in the database. 

Method filter

    predicate: impl FnMut(&Self) -> bool,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Self> 

Iterate over the subscribed rows in the table for which predicate returns true.

Argument Type Meaning
predicate impl FnMut(&Self) -> bool Test which returns true if a row should be included in the filtered iterator.

This method acquires a global lock, and the predicate runs while the lock is held. The returned iterator does not hold the lock.

The predicate is called eagerly for each subscribed row in the table, even if the returned iterator is never consumed.

This method must heap-allocate enough memory to hold all of the matching rows, but does not allocate space for subscribed rows which do not match the predicate.

Client authors should prefer calling tables' generated filter_by_{COLUMN} methods when possible rather than calling TableType::filter.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

on_subscription_applied(|| {
    for user in User::filter(|user| user.age >= 30
                                    && user.country == Country::USA) {
        println!("{:?}", user);

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])


// Will print a line for each `User` row in the database
// who is at least 30 years old and who lives in the United States. 

Method find

    predicate: impl FnMut(&Self) -> bool,
) -> Option<Self> 

Locate a subscribed row for which predicate returns true, if one exists.

Argument Type Meaning
predicate impl FnMut(&Self) -> bool Test which returns true if a row should be returned.

This method acquires a global lock.

If multiple subscribed rows match predicate, one is chosen arbitrarily. The choice may not be stable across different calls to find with the same predicate.

Client authors should prefer calling tables' generated find_by_{COLUMN} methods when possible rather than calling TableType::find.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

on_subscription_applied(|| {
    if let Some(tyler) = User::find(|user| user.first_name == "Tyler"
                                           && user.surname == "Cloutier") {
        println!("Found Tyler: {:?}", tyler);
    } else {
        println!("Tyler isn't registered :(");

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])


// Will tell us whether Tyler Cloutier is registered in the database. 

Method on_insert

    callback: impl FnMut(&Self, Option<&ReducerEvent>) + Send + 'static,
) -> InsertCallbackId<Self> 

Register an on_insert callback for when a subscribed row is newly inserted into the database.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnMut(&Self, Option<&ReducerEvent>) + Send + 'static Callback to run whenever a subscribed row is inserted.

The callback takes two arguments:

  • row: &Self, the newly-inserted row value.
  • reducer_event: Option<&ReducerEvent>, the ReducerEvent which caused this row to be inserted, or None if this row is being inserted while initializing a subscription.

The returned InsertCallbackId can be passed to remove_on_insert to remove the callback.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

User::on_insert(|user, reducer_event| {
    if let Some(reducer_event) = reducer_event {
        println!("New user inserted by reducer {:?}: {:?}", reducer_event, user);
    } else {
        println!("New user received during subscription update: {:?}", user);

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])


// Will print a note whenever a new `User` row is inserted. 

Method remove_on_insert

TableType::remove_on_insert(id: InsertCallbackId<Self>) 

Unregister a previously-registered on_insert callback.

Argument Type Meaning
id InsertCallbackId<Self> Identifier for the on_insert callback to remove.

If id does not refer to a currently-registered callback, this operation does nothing.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

let id = User::on_insert(|_, _| unreachable!());


subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])


// No `unreachable` panic. 

Method on_delete

    callback: impl FnMut(&Self, Option<&ReducerEvent>) + Send + 'static,
) -> DeleteCallbackId<Self> 

Register an on_delete callback for when a subscribed row is removed from the database.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnMut(&Self, Option<&ReducerEvent>) + Send + 'static Callback to run whenever a subscribed row is deleted.

The callback takes two arguments:

  • row: &Self, the previously-present row which is no longer resident in the database.
  • reducer_event: Option<&ReducerEvent>, the ReducerEvent which caused this row to be deleted, or None if this row was previously subscribed but no longer matches the new queries while initializing a subscription.

The returned DeleteCallbackId can be passed to remove_on_delete to remove the callback.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

User::on_delete(|user, reducer_event| {
    if let Some(reducer_event) = reducer_event {
        println!("User deleted by reducer {:?}: {:?}", reducer_event, user);
    } else {
        println!("User no longer subscribed during subscription update: {:?}", user);

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])

// Invoke a reducer which will delete a `User` row.
delete_user_by_name("Tyler Cloutier".to_string());


// Will print a note whenever a `User` row is inserted,
// including "User deleted by reducer ReducerEvent::DeleteUserByName(
//     DeleteUserByNameArgs { name: "Tyler Cloutier" }
// ): User { first_name: "Tyler", surname: "Cloutier" }" 

Method remove_on_delete

TableType::remove_on_delete(id: DeleteCallbackId<Self>) 

Unregister a previously-registered on_delete callback.

Argument Type Meaning
id DeleteCallbackId<Self> Identifier for the on_delete callback to remove.

If id does not refer to a currently-registered callback, this operation does nothing.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

let id = User::on_delete(|_, _| unreachable!());


subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])

// Invoke a reducer which will delete a `User` row.
delete_user_by_name("Tyler Cloutier".to_string());


// No `unreachable` panic. 

Trait TableWithPrimaryKey


Generated table structs with a column designated #[primarykey] implement the trait TableWithPrimaryKey.

Method on_update

    callback: impl FnMut(&Self, &Self, Option<&Self::ReducerEvent>) + Send + 'static,
) -> UpdateCallbackId<Self> 

Register an on_update callback for when an existing row is modified.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnMut(&Self, &Self, Option<&ReducerEvent>) + Send + 'static Callback to run whenever a subscribed row is updated.

The callback takes three arguments:

  • old: &Self, the previous row value which has been replaced in the database.
  • new: &Self, the updated row value which is now resident in the database.
  • reducer_event: Option<&ReducerEvent>, the ReducerEvent which caused this row to be inserted.

The returned UpdateCallbackId can be passed to remove_on_update to remove the callback.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

User::on_update(|old, new, reducer_event| {
    println!("User updated by reducer {:?}: from {:?} to {:?}", reducer_event, old, new);

subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])

// Prints a line whenever a `User` row is updated by primary key. 

Method remove_on_update

TableWithPrimaryKey::remove_on_update(id: UpdateCallbackId<Self>) 
Argument Type Meaning
id UpdateCallbackId<Self> Identifier for the on_update callback to remove.

Unregister a previously-registered on_update callback.

If id does not refer to a currently-registered callback, this operation does nothing.

    .expect("Failed to connect");

let id = User::on_update(|_, _, _| unreachable!);


subscribe(&["SELECT * FROM User;"])

// No `unreachable` panic. 

Observe and request reducer invocations

Type ReducerEvent


spacetime generate defines an enum ReducerEvent with a variant for each reducer defined by a module. The variant's name will be the reducer's name converted to PascalCase, and the variant will hold an instance of the autogenerated reducer arguments struct for that reducer.

on_insert, on_delete and on_update callbacks accept an Option<&ReducerEvent> which identifies the reducer which caused the row to be inserted, deleted or updated.

Type {REDUCER}Args


For each reducer defined by a module, spacetime generate generates a struct whose name is that reducer's name converted to PascalCase, suffixed with Args. The generated struct has a field for each of the reducer's arguments, whose names are the argument names converted to snake_case.

For reducers which accept a ReducerContext as their first argument, the ReducerContext is not included in the arguments struct.

Function {REDUCER}


For each reducer defined by a module, spacetime generate generates a function which sends a request to the database to invoke that reducer. The generated function's name is the reducer's name converted to snake_case.

For reducers which accept a ReducerContext as their first argument, the ReducerContext is not included in the generated function's argument list.

Function on_{REDUCER}

    callback: impl FnMut(&Identity, Option<Address>, Status, {&ARGS...}) + Send + 'static,
) -> ReducerCallbackId<{REDUCER}Args> 

For each reducer defined by a module, spacetime generate generates a function which registers a FnMut callback to run each time the reducer is invoked. The generated functions are named on_{REDUCER}, where {REDUCER} is the reducer's name converted to snake_case.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnMut(&Identity, Option<Address> &Status, {&ARGS...}) + Send + 'static Callback to run whenever the reducer is invoked.

The callback always accepts three arguments:

  • caller_id: &Identity, the Identity of the client which invoked the reducer.
  • caller_address: Option<Address>, the Address of the client which invoked the reducer. This may be None for scheduled reducers.

In addition, the callback accepts a reference to each of the reducer's arguments.

Clients will only be notified of reducer runs if either of two criteria is met:

  • The reducer inserted, deleted or updated at least one row to which the client is subscribed.
  • The reducer invocation was requested by this client, and the run failed.

The on_{REDUCER} function returns a ReducerCallbackId<{REDUCER}Args>, where {REDUCER}Args is the generated reducer arguments struct. This ReducerCallbackId can be passed to the generated remove_on_{REDUCER} function to cancel the callback.

Function once_on_{REDUCER}

    callback: impl FnOnce(&Identity, Option<Address>, &Status, {&ARGS...}) + Send + 'static,
) -> ReducerCallbackId<{REDUCER}Args> 

For each reducer defined by a module, spacetime generate generates a function which registers a FnOnce callback to run the next time the reducer is invoked. The generated functions are named once_on_{REDUCER}, where {REDUCER} is the reducer's name converted to snake_case.

Argument Type Meaning
callback impl FnOnce(&Identity, Option<Address>, &Status, {&ARGS...}) + Send + 'static Callback to run the next time the reducer is invoked.

The callback accepts the same arguments as an on-reducer callback, but may be a FnOnce rather than a FnMut.

The callback will be invoked in the same circumstances as an on-reducer callback.

The once_on_{REDUCER} function returns a ReducerCallbackId<{REDUCER}Args>, where {REDUCER}Args is the generated reducer arguments struct. This ReducerCallbackId can be passed to the generated remove_on_{REDUCER} function to cancel the callback.

Function remove_on_{REDUCER}

module_bindings::remove_on_{REDUCER}(id: ReducerCallbackId<{REDUCER}Args>) 

For each reducer defined by a module, spacetime generate generates a function which unregisters a previously-registered on-reducer or once-on-reducer callback.

Argument Type Meaning
id UpdateCallbackId<Self> Identifier for the on_{REDUCER} or once_on_{REDUCER} callback to remove.

If id does not refer to a currently-registered callback, this operation does nothing.

Type Status


An enum whose variants represent possible reducer completion statuses.

A Status is passed as the second argument to on_{REDUCER} and once_on_{REDUCER} callbacks.

Variant Status::Committed

The reducer finished successfully, and its row changes were committed to the database.

Variant Status::Failed(String)

The reducer failed, either by panicking or returning an Err.

Field Type Meaning
0 String The error message which caused the reducer to fail.

Variant Status::OutOfEnergy

The reducer was canceled because the module owner had insufficient energy to allow it to run to completion.

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