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`spacetimedb-standalone` configuration

A local database instance (as started by spacetime start) can be configured in {data-dir}/config.toml, where {data-dir} is the database's data directory. This directory is printed when you run spacetime start:

spacetimedb-standalone version: 1.0.0
spacetimedb-standalone path: /home/user/.local/share/spacetime/bin/1.0.0/spacetimedb-standalone
database running in data directory /home/user/.local/share/spacetime/data

On Linux and macOS, this directory is by default ~/.local/share/spacetime/data. On Windows, it's %LOCALAPPDATA%\SpacetimeDB\data.



jwt-priv-key-path = "/path/to/id_ecdsas"
jwt-pub-key-path = "/path/to/" 

The certificate-authority table lets you configure the public and private keys used by the database to sign tokens.


level = "error"
directives = [

Can be one of "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace", or "off", case-insensitive. Only log messages of the specified level or higher will be output; e.g. if set to warn, only error and warn-level messages will be logged.


A list of filtering directives controlling what messages get logged, which overwrite the global logs.level. See tracing documentation for syntax. Note that this is primarily intended as a debugging tool, and log message fields and targets are not considered stable.

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