Testnet is now LIVE at testnet.spacetimedb.com! NOTE: This is a testnet, and all data will be wiped periodically.

1.0 RC2


The SpacetimeDB C# client SDK

The SpacetimeDB client C# for Rust contains all the tools you need to build native clients for SpacetimeDB modules using C#.

Table of Contents

Install the SDK

Using the `dotnet` CLI tool

If you would like to create a console application using .NET, you can create a new project using dotnet new console and add the SpacetimeDB SDK to your dependencies:

dotnet add package spacetimedbsdk 

(See also the CSharp Quickstart for an in-depth example of such a console application.)

Using Unity

To install the SpacetimeDB SDK into a Unity project, download the SpacetimeDB SDK, packaged as a .unitypackage.

In Unity navigate to the Assets > Import Package > Custom Package menu in the menu bar. Select your SpacetimeDB.Unity.Comprehensive.Tutorial.unitypackage file and leave all folders checked.

(See also the Unity Tutorial)

Generate module bindings

Each SpacetimeDB client depends on some bindings specific to your module. Create a module_bindings directory in your project's directory and generate the C# interface files using the Spacetime CLI. From your project directory, run:

mkdir -p module_bindings
spacetime generate --lang cs --out-dir module_bindings --project-path PATH-TO-MODULE-DIRECTORY 

Replace PATH-TO-MODULE-DIRECTORY with the path to your SpacetimeDB module.


Property `SpacetimeDBClient.instance`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

public class SpacetimeDBClient {
    public static SpacetimeDBClient instance;


This is the global instance of a SpacetimeDB client in a particular .NET/Unity process. Much of the SDK is accessible through this instance.

Class `NetworkManager`

The Unity SpacetimeDB SDK relies on there being a NetworkManager somewhere in the scene. Click on the GameManager object in the scene, and in the inspector, add the NetworkManager component.


This component will handle updating and closing the SpacetimeDBClient.instance for you, but will not call SpacetimeDBClient.Connect, you still need to handle that yourself. See the Unity Quickstart and Unity Tutorial for more information.

Method `SpacetimeDBClient.Connect`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

class SpacetimeDBClient {
    public void Connect(
        string? token,
        string host,
        string addressOrName,
        bool sslEnabled = true


Connect to a database named addressOrName accessible over the internet at the URI host.

Argument Type Meaning
token string? Identity token to use, if one is available.
host string URI of the SpacetimeDB instance running the module.
addressOrName string Address or name of the module.
sslEnabled bool Whether or not to use SSL when connecting to SpacetimeDB. Default: true.

If a token is supplied, it will be passed to the new connection to identify and authenticate the user. Otherwise, a new token and Identity will be generated by the server and returned in onConnect.

using SpacetimeDB;
using SpacetimeDB.Types;

const string DBNAME = "chat";

// Connect to a local DB with a fresh identity
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Connect(null, "localhost:3000", DBNAME, false);

// Connect to cloud with a fresh identity
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Connect(null, "dev.spacetimedb.net", DBNAME, true);

// Connect to cloud using a saved identity from the filesystem, or get a new one and save it
Identity localIdentity;
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Connect(AuthToken.Token, "dev.spacetimedb.net", DBNAME, true);
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.onIdentityReceived += (string authToken, Identity identity, Address address) {
    localIdentity = identity;

(You should probably also store the returned Identity somewhere; see the onIdentityReceived event.)

Event `SpacetimeDBClient.onIdentityReceived`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

class SpacetimeDBClient {
    public event Action<string, Identity, Address> onIdentityReceived;


Called when we receive an auth token, Identity and Address from the server. The Identity serves as a unique public identifier for a user of the database. It can be for several purposes, such as filtering rows in a database for the rows created by a particular user. The auth token is a private access token that allows us to assume an identity. The Address is opaque identifier for a client connection to a database, intended to differentiate between connections from the same Identity.

To store the auth token to the filesystem, use the static method AuthToken.SaveToken. You may also want to store the returned Identity in a local variable.

If an existing auth token is used to connect to the database, the same auth token and the identity it came with will be returned verbatim in onIdentityReceived.

// Connect to cloud using a saved identity from the filesystem, or get a new one and save it
Identity localIdentity;
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Connect(AuthToken.Token, "dev.spacetimedb.net", DBNAME, true);
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.onIdentityReceived += (string authToken, Identity identity, Address address) {
    localIdentity = identity;

Event `SpacetimeDBClient.onConnect`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

class SpacetimeDBClient {
    public event Action onConnect;


Allows registering delegates to be invoked upon authentication with the database.

Once this occurs, the SDK is prepared for calls to SpacetimeDBClient.Subscribe.

Subscribe to queries

Method `SpacetimeDBClient.Subscribe`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

class SpacetimeDBClient {
    public void Subscribe(List<string> queries);

Argument Type Meaning
queries List SQL queries to subscribe to.

Subscribe to a set of queries, to be notified when rows which match those queries are altered.

Subscribe will return an error if called before establishing a connection with the SpacetimeDBClient.Connect function. In that case, the queries are not registered.

The Subscribe method does not return data directly. spacetime generate will generate classes SpacetimeDB.Types.{TABLE} for each table in your module. These classes are used to reecive information from the database. See the section View Rows of Subscribed Tables for more information.

A new call to Subscribe will remove all previous subscriptions and replace them with the new queries. If any rows matched the previous subscribed queries but do not match the new queries, those rows will be removed from the client cache, and {TABLE}.OnDelete callbacks will be invoked for them.

using SpacetimeDB;
using SpacetimeDB.Types;

void Main()

    SpacetimeDBClient.instance.onConnect += OnConnect;

    // Our module contains a table named "Loot"
    Loot.OnInsert += Loot_OnInsert;

    SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Connect(/* ... */);

void OnConnect()
    SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Subscribe(new List<string> {
        "SELECT * FROM Loot"

void Loot_OnInsert(
    Loot loot,
    ReducerEvent? event
) {
    Console.Log($"Loaded loot {loot.itemType} at coordinates {loot.position}");

Event `SpacetimeDBClient.onSubscriptionApplied`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

class SpacetimeDBClient {
    public event Action onSubscriptionApplied;


Register a delegate to be invoked when a subscription is registered with the database.

using SpacetimeDB;

void OnSubscriptionApplied()
    Console.WriteLine("Now listening on queries.");

void Main()
    // ...initialize...
    SpacetimeDBClient.instance.onSubscriptionApplied += OnSubscriptionApplied;

Method [`SpacetimeDBClient.OneOffQuery`]

You may not want to subscribe to a query, but instead want to run a query once and receive the results immediately via a Task result:

// Query all Messages from the sender "bob"
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.OneOffQuery<Message>("WHERE sender = \"bob\""); 

View rows of subscribed tables

The SDK maintains a local view of the database called the "client cache". This cache contains whatever rows are selected via a call to SpacetimeDBClient.Subscribe. These rows are represented in the SpacetimeDB .Net SDK as instances of SpacetimeDB.Types.{TABLE}.

ONLY the rows selected in a SpacetimeDBClient.Subscribe call will be available in the client cache. All operations in the client sdk operate on these rows exclusively, and have no information about the state of the rest of the database.

In particular, SpacetimeDB does not support foreign key constraints. This means that if you are using a column as a foreign key, SpacetimeDB will not automatically bring in all of the rows that key might reference. You will need to manually subscribe to all tables you need information from.

To optimize network performance, prefer selecting as few rows as possible in your Subscribe query. Processes that need to view the entire state of the database are better run inside the database -- that is, inside modules.

Class `{TABLE}`

For each table defined by a module, spacetime generate will generate a class SpacetimeDB.Types.{TABLE} whose name is that table's name converted to PascalCase. The generated class contains a property for each of the table's columns, whose names are the column names converted to camelCase. It also contains various static events and methods.

Static Methods:

Static Events:

Note that it is not possible to directly insert into the database from the client SDK! All insertion validation should be performed inside serverside modules for security reasons. You can instead invoke reducers, which run code inside the database that can insert rows for you.

Static Method `{TABLE}.Iter`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

class TABLE {
    public static IEnumerable<TABLE> Iter();


Iterate over all the subscribed rows in the table. This method is only available after SpacetimeDBClient.onSubscriptionApplied has occurred.

When iterating over rows and filtering for those containing a particular column, {TABLE}.FilterBy{COLUMN} and {TABLE}.FindBy{COLUMN} will be more efficient, so prefer those when possible.

using SpacetimeDB;
using SpacetimeDB.Types;

SpacetimeDBClient.instance.onConnect += (string authToken, Identity identity) => {
    SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Subscribe(new List<string> { "SELECT * FROM User" });
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.onSubscriptionApplied += () => {
    // Will print a line for each `User` row in the database.
    foreach (var user in User.Iter()) {
        Console.WriteLine($"User: {user.Name}");
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.connect(/* ... */); 

Static Method `{TABLE}.FilterBy{COLUMN}`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

class TABLE {
    public static IEnumerable<TABLE> FilterBySender(COLUMNTYPE value);


For each column of a table, spacetime generate generates a static method on the table class to filter subscribed rows where that column matches a requested value.

These methods are named filterBy{COLUMN}, where {COLUMN} is the column name converted to PascalCase. The method's return type is an IEnumerable over the table class.

Static Method `{TABLE}.FindBy{COLUMN}`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

class TABLE {
    // If the column has a #[unique] or #[primarykey] constraint
    public static TABLE? FindBySender(COLUMNTYPE value);


For each unique column of a table (those annotated #[unique] or #[primarykey]), spacetime generate generates a static method on the table class to seek a subscribed row where that column matches a requested value.

These methods are named findBy{COLUMN}, where {COLUMN} is the column name converted to PascalCase. Those methods return a single instance of the table class if a row is found, or null if no row matches the query.

Static Method `{TABLE}.Count`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

class TABLE {
    public static int Count();


Return the number of subscribed rows in the table, or 0 if there is no active connection.

using SpacetimeDB;
using SpacetimeDB.Types;

SpacetimeDBClient.instance.onConnect += (string authToken, Identity identity) => {
    SpacetimeDBClient.instance.Subscribe(new List<string> { "SELECT * FROM User" });
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.onSubscriptionApplied += () => {
    Console.WriteLine($"There are {User.Count()} users in the database.");
SpacetimeDBClient.instance.connect(/* ... */); 

Static Event `{TABLE}.OnInsert`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

class TABLE {
    public delegate void InsertEventHandler(
        TABLE insertedValue,
        ReducerEvent? dbEvent
    public static event InsertEventHandler OnInsert;


Register a delegate for when a subscribed row is newly inserted into the database.

The delegate takes two arguments:

  • A {TABLE} instance with the data of the inserted row
  • A [ReducerEvent?], which contains the data of the reducer that inserted the row, or null if the row is being inserted while initializing a subscription.
using SpacetimeDB;
using SpacetimeDB.Types;

/* initialize, subscribe to table User... */

User.OnInsert += (User user, ReducerEvent? reducerEvent) => {
    if (reducerEvent == null) {
        Console.WriteLine($"New user '{user.Name}' received during subscription update.");
    } else {
        Console.WriteLine($"New user '{user.Name}' inserted by reducer {reducerEvent.Reducer}.");

Static Event `{TABLE}.OnBeforeDelete`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

class TABLE {
    public delegate void DeleteEventHandler(
        TABLE deletedValue,
        ReducerEvent dbEvent
    public static event DeleteEventHandler OnBeforeDelete;


Register a delegate for when a subscribed row is about to be deleted from the database. If a reducer deletes many rows at once, this delegate will be invoked for each of those rows before any of them is deleted.

The delegate takes two arguments:

  • A {TABLE} instance with the data of the deleted row
  • A ReducerEvent, which contains the data of the reducer that deleted the row.

This event should almost always be used instead of OnDelete. This is because often, many rows will be deleted at once, and OnDelete can be invoked in an arbitrary order on these rows. This means that data related to a row may already be missing when OnDelete is called. OnBeforeDelete does not have this problem.

using SpacetimeDB;
using SpacetimeDB.Types;

/* initialize, subscribe to table User... */

User.OnBeforeDelete += (User user, ReducerEvent reducerEvent) => {
    Console.WriteLine($"User '{user.Name}' deleted by reducer {reducerEvent.Reducer}.");

Static Event `{TABLE}.OnDelete`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

class TABLE {
    public delegate void DeleteEventHandler(
        TABLE deletedValue,
        SpacetimeDB.ReducerEvent dbEvent
    public static event DeleteEventHandler OnDelete;


Register a delegate for when a subscribed row is being deleted from the database. If a reducer deletes many rows at once, this delegate will be invoked on those rows in arbitrary order, and data for some rows may already be missing when it is invoked. For this reason, prefer the event {TABLE}.OnBeforeDelete.

The delegate takes two arguments:

  • A {TABLE} instance with the data of the deleted row
  • A ReducerEvent, which contains the data of the reducer that deleted the row.
using SpacetimeDB;
using SpacetimeDB.Types;

/* initialize, subscribe to table User... */

User.OnBeforeDelete += (User user, ReducerEvent reducerEvent) => {
    Console.WriteLine($"User '{user.Name}' deleted by reducer {reducerEvent.Reducer}.");

Static Event `{TABLE}.OnUpdate`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

class TABLE {
    public delegate void UpdateEventHandler(
        TABLE oldValue,
        TABLE newValue,
        ReducerEvent dbEvent
    public static event UpdateEventHandler OnUpdate;


Register a delegate for when a subscribed row is being updated. This event is only available if the row has a column with the #[primary_key] attribute.

The delegate takes three arguments:

  • A {TABLE} instance with the old data of the updated row
  • A {TABLE} instance with the new data of the updated row
  • A ReducerEvent, which contains the data of the reducer that updated the row.
using SpacetimeDB;
using SpacetimeDB.Types;

/* initialize, subscribe to table User... */

User.OnUpdate += (User oldUser, User newUser, ReducerEvent reducerEvent) => {
    Debug.Assert(oldUser.UserId == newUser.UserId, "Primary key never changes in an update");

    Console.WriteLine($"User with ID {oldUser.UserId} had name changed "+
    $"from '{oldUser.Name}' to '{newUser.Name}' by reducer {reducerEvent.Reducer}.");

Observe and invoke reducers

"Reducer" is SpacetimeDB's name for the stored procedures that run in modules inside the database. You can invoke reducers from a connected client SDK, and also receive information about which reducers are running.

spacetime generate generates a class SpacetimeDB.Types.Reducer that contains methods and events for each reducer defined in a module. To invoke a reducer, use the method Reducer.{REDUCER} generated for it. To receive a callback each time a reducer is invoked, use the static event Reducer.On{REDUCER}.

Class `Reducer`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

class Reducer {}


This class contains a static method and event for each reducer defined in a module.

Static Method `Reducer.{REDUCER}`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {
class Reducer {

/* void {REDUCER_NAME}(...ARGS...) */


For each reducer defined by a module, spacetime generate generates a static method which sends a request to the database to invoke that reducer. The generated function's name is the reducer's name converted to PascalCase.

Reducers don't run immediately! They run as soon as the request reaches the database. Don't assume data inserted by a reducer will be available immediately after you call this method.

For reducers which accept a ReducerContext as their first argument, the ReducerContext is not included in the generated function's argument list.

For example, if we define a reducer in Rust as follows:

pub fn set_name(
    ctx: ReducerContext,
    user_id: u64,
    name: String
) -> Result<(), Error>; 

The following C# static method will be generated:

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {
class Reducer {

public static void SendMessage(UInt64 userId, string name);


Static Event `Reducer.On{REDUCER}`

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {
class Reducer {

public delegate void /*{REDUCER}*/Handler(ReducerEvent reducerEvent, /* {ARGS...} */);

public static event /*{REDUCER}*/Handler On/*{REDUCER}*/Event;


For each reducer defined by a module, spacetime generate generates an event to run each time the reducer is invoked. The generated functions are named on{REDUCER}Event, where {REDUCER} is the reducer's name converted to PascalCase.

The first argument to the event handler is an instance of SpacetimeDB.Types.ReducerEvent describing the invocation -- its timestamp, arguments, and whether it succeeded or failed. The remaining arguments are the arguments passed to the reducer. Reducers cannot have return values, so no return value information is included.

For example, if we define a reducer in Rust as follows:

pub fn set_name(
    ctx: ReducerContext,
    user_id: u64,
    name: String
) -> Result<(), Error>; 

The following C# static method will be generated:

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {
class Reducer {

public delegate void SetNameHandler(
    ReducerEvent reducerEvent,
    UInt64 userId,
    string name
public static event SetNameHandler OnSetNameEvent;


Which can be used as follows:

/* initialize, wait for onSubscriptionApplied... */

Reducer.SetNameHandler += (
    ReducerEvent reducerEvent,
    UInt64 userId,
    string name
) => {
    if (reducerEvent.Status == ClientApi.Event.Types.Status.Committed) {
        Console.WriteLine($"User with id {userId} set name to {name}");
    } else if (reducerEvent.Status == ClientApi.Event.Types.Status.Failed) {
            $"User with id {userId} failed to set name to {name}:"
            + reducerEvent.ErrMessage
    } else if (reducerEvent.Status == ClientApi.Event.Types.Status.OutOfEnergy) {
            $"User with id {userId} failed to set name to {name}:"
            + "Invoker ran out of energy"
Reducer.SetName(USER_ID, NAME); 

Class `ReducerEvent`

spacetime generate defines an class ReducerEvent containing an enum ReducerType with a variant for each reducer defined by a module. The variant's name will be the reducer's name converted to PascalCase.

For example, the example project shown in the Rust Module quickstart will generate the following (abridged) code.

namespace SpacetimeDB.Types {

public enum ReducerType
    /* A member for each reducer in the module, with names converted to PascalCase */
public partial class SendMessageArgsStruct
    /* A member for each argument of the reducer SendMessage, with names converted to PascalCase. */
    public string Text;
public partial class SetNameArgsStruct
    /* A member for each argument of the reducer SetName, with names converted to PascalCase. */
    public string Name;
public partial class ReducerEvent : ReducerEventBase {
    // Which reducer was invoked
    public ReducerType Reducer { get; }
    // If event.Reducer == ReducerType.SendMessage, the arguments
    // sent to the SendMessage reducer. Otherwise, accesses will
    // throw a runtime error.
    public SendMessageArgsStruct SendMessageArgs { get; }
    // If event.Reducer == ReducerType.SetName, the arguments
    // passed to the SetName reducer. Otherwise, accesses will
    // throw a runtime error.
    public SetNameArgsStruct SetNameArgs { get; }

    /* Additional information, present on any ReducerEvent */
    // The name of the reducer.
    public string ReducerName { get; }
    // The timestamp of the reducer invocation inside the database.
    public ulong Timestamp { get; }
    // The identity of the client that invoked the reducer.
    public SpacetimeDB.Identity Identity { get; }
    // Whether the reducer succeeded, failed, or ran out of energy.
    public ClientApi.Event.Types.Status Status { get; }
    // If event.Status == Status.Failed, the error message returned from inside the module.
    public string ErrMessage { get; }


Enum `Status`

namespace ClientApi {
public sealed partial class Event {
public static partial class Types {

public enum Status {
    Committed = 0,
    Failed = 1,
    OutOfEnergy = 2,


An enum whose variants represent possible reducer completion statuses of a reducer invocation.

Variant `Status.Committed`

The reducer finished successfully, and its row changes were committed to the database.

Variant `Status.Failed`

The reducer failed, either by panicking or returning a Err.

Variant `Status.OutOfEnergy`

The reducer was canceled because the module owner had insufficient energy to allow it to run to completion.

Identity management

Class `AuthToken`

The AuthToken helper class handles creating and saving SpacetimeDB identity tokens in the filesystem.

Static Method `AuthToken.Init`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

class AuthToken {
    public static void Init(
        string configFolder = ".spacetime_csharp_sdk",
        string configFile = "settings.ini",
        string? configRoot = null


Creates a file $"{configRoot}/{configFolder}/{configFile}" to store tokens. If no arguments are passed, the default is "%HOME%/.spacetime_csharp_sdk/settings.ini".

Argument Type Meaning
configFolder string The folder to store the config file in. Default is "spacetime_csharp_sdk".
configFile string The name of the config file. Default is "settings.ini".
configRoot string The root folder to store the config file in. Default is the user's home directory.

Static Property `AuthToken.Token`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

class AuthToken {
    public static string? Token { get; }


The auth token stored on the filesystem, if one exists.

Static Method `AuthToken.SaveToken`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

class AuthToken {
    public static void SaveToken(string token);


Save a token to the filesystem.

Class `Identity`

namespace SpacetimeDB
    public struct Identity : IEquatable<Identity>
        public byte[] Bytes { get; }
        public static Identity From(byte[] bytes);
        public bool Equals(Identity other);
        public static bool operator ==(Identity a, Identity b);
        public static bool operator !=(Identity a, Identity b);

A unique public identifier for a user of a database.

Columns of type Identity inside a module will be represented in the C# SDK as properties of type byte[]. Identity is essentially just a wrapper around byte[], and you can use the Bytes property to get a byte[] that can be used to filter tables and so on.

namespace SpacetimeDB
    public struct Address : IEquatable<Address>
        public byte[] Bytes { get; }
        public static Address? From(byte[] bytes);
        public bool Equals(Address other);
        public static bool operator ==(Address a, Address b);
        public static bool operator !=(Address a, Address b);

An opaque identifier for a client connection to a database, intended to differentiate between connections from the same Identity.

Customizing logging

The SpacetimeDB C# SDK performs internal logging.

A default logger is set up automatically for you - a ConsoleLogger for C# projects and UnityDebugLogger for Unity projects.

If you want to redirect SDK logs elsewhere, you can inherit from the ISpacetimeDBLogger and assign an instance of your class to the SpacetimeDB.Logger.Current static property.

Interface `ISpacetimeDBLogger`

namespace SpacetimeDB

public interface ISpacetimeDBLogger
    void Log(string message);
    void LogError(string message);
    void LogWarning(string message);
    void LogException(Exception e);


This interface provides methods that are invoked when the SpacetimeDB C# SDK needs to log at various log levels. You can create custom implementations if needed to integrate with existing logging solutions.

Class `ConsoleLogger`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

public class ConsoleLogger : ISpacetimeDBLogger {}


An ISpacetimeDBLogger implementation for regular .NET applications, using Console.Write when logs are received.

Class `UnityDebugLogger`

namespace SpacetimeDB {

public class UnityDebugLogger : ISpacetimeDBLogger {}


An ISpacetimeDBLogger implementation for Unity, using the Unity Debug.Log api.

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