Testnet is now LIVE at testnet.spacetimedb.com! NOTE: This is a testnet, and all data will be wiped periodically.

BETA v0.11


Unity Tutorial Overview

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The objective of this progressive tutorial is to help you become acquainted with the basic features of SpacetimeDB. By the end, you should have a basic understanding of what SpacetimeDB offers for developers making multiplayer games. It assumes that you have a basic understanding of the Unity Editor, using a command line terminal and coding.

We'll give you some CLI commands to execute. If you are using Windows, we recommend using Git Bash or PowerShell. For Mac, we recommend Terminal.

Tested with UnityEngine 2022.3.20f1 LTS (and may also work on newer versions).

Unity Tutorial - Basic Multiplayer

Get started with the core client-server setup. For part 2, you may choose your server module preference of Rust or C#:

Unity Tutorial - Advanced

By this point, you should already have a basic understanding of SpacetimeDB client, server and CLI:

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